SPF, The Under-appreciated Miracle Cream

As long as I have done skin, SPF has always been the underdog when it comes to my clients excitement and enthusiasm for skin care products.

SPF is often times overlooked, ignored and dismissed. When I ask someone wether they wear sunscreen or not, the response is usually one of the following; 'I wear it sometimes', 'It's in my makeup', 'It makes me breakout', 'It makes my skin greasy/oily', or 'I think I'm allergic'.

SPF's purpose is to protect, however, most seem to be way more interested in correcting the skin instead.

The priority is usually to correct and improve texture and pigment and to prevent the onset of aging. Sunscreen actually addresses and assists in the treatment of all of those concerns. Unwanted growths and thickening of the skin, especially on fairer skin types, oftentimes derives from previous sun damage. Sunspots, unwanted pigmented areas and broken capillaries can be the cause of not wearing sunscreen and will continue to persist.

Photoaging, damage to the skin caused by sun exposure and UV light, is responsible for 90% of the changes in our skin. 90 PERCENT.

So, wear sunscreen, wear it everyday, even if you are only outside to check the mail that day. Find a sunscreen you love or could grow to love. If you're applying one or multiple corrective products to your skin but you're not wearing sunscreen, all of those products you're using to fix and improve your skin are null and void without SPF.

Would you like to talk more about your skin?
A great starting point is a
Virtual Conversation or Schedule an Appointment and come in to see me.


Three (3) Over The Counter Creams Every Household Should Have.


Get Creative With Your Skincare!